Dr Christopher York
Your home for the latest information about
conditions of the
Ears, Nose, and Throat.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Discharge Instructions
Things to expect
- Severe pain is normal for the first 7-10 days after surgery.
- Very bad breath is a normal part of the healing phase after surgery.
- There are stitches in the back of the throat, these will absorb on their own.
What to do
- Use the pain medicine prescribed by the doctor as directed.
- If you use a CPAP machine prior to surgery, please continue to use it postoperatively until a new sleep study can be performed.
- Eat soft foods for the first week, longer if needed due to pain.
- Avoid carbonated beverages, acidic foods, and salty foods as this can worsen the pain.
- Call Dr. York's clinic to make a post-operative appointment for two weeks after surgery.
- Call immediately if you experience bleeding from the mouth/throat.
This may happen in 3% of patients and can require an emergent but simple surgery to control.
- No strenuous physical activity for 2 weeks to minimize risk of re-bleeding.
When to call your doctor - (210)499-4589
- Heavy bleeding
- Uncontrolled pain
- Fever > 101.5 F