Dr Christopher York

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Hearing Loss

There are many possible correctable reasons for hearing loss, from fluid in the middle ear to wax blocking the ear canal. Unfortunately however, there are also many patients who suffer from uncorrectable hearing loss. This is usually due to damage to the sensorineural components of our inner ear or damage to the nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain. After a thorough exam to identify any possible correctable causes, an audiogram (hearing test) can be performed to characterize the severity of your hearing loss. Interestingly, most people with hearing loss do not loose hearing at all pitches equally, and in fact, most people with even a severe hearing loss will have preserved low frequency hearing at normal or near-normal levels. This produces a very interesting and common phenomenon. One of the most common complaints heard in clinic is that the patient feels that they hear well, but that the people around them simply are not pronouncing their words well. This is due to the fact that most of us loose the high frequency (or high pitch) hearing levels first and to a much more severe degree than the low pitch sounds. This will result in a patient hearing the vocal sounds that are made in the throat at near-normal levels; but the higher frequency articulations produced by the tongue, lips, and teeth (such as the sounds made by 'p,' 'th,' 'sh,' and 't')are not heard. These consonants are very important in dividing the simple sounds made by the voice box into words that we can understand.

A simple search on the internet can show you simulators that will help you understand what someone with high frequency hearing loss hears. An accurate example can be found HERE.

While we cannot cure the direct cause of sensorineural hearing loss, its affect on patients can be mitigated with a well fit pair of hearing aids. Of particular importance is the fact that they must be fit well. When shopping for hearing aids, it is just as important to select a team of providers who are going to stand by you or your family member throughout the lifetime of the hearing aid. When you purchase hearing aids through Dr York, you are gaining a physician partner who will assure top quality service FOR THE LIFE OF THE HEARING AID.

We now know that there are serious medical effects that come with hearing loss. The social isolation that occurs with hearing loss leads to a significant increase in the risk for depression. This causes further social withdrawal and further functional decline. Many studies have even shown that people with a hearing loss are at higher risk for dementia, and that patients with dementia deteriorate more quickly when they have an untreated hearing loss. This has proven what we've known for a long time, that hearing loss is more than a simple inconvenience.

If you or a family member have been suffering from hearing loss, make an appointment with Dr York today, CLICK HERE!